Warriors Conference Feedback

Warrior Conference Feedback

What is it?

This conference is a three-day conference for every man who faces the daily demands of life, work, family, and friends.  Instead of demands driving the man, a Warrior learns from the proven teaching of the Bible to never accept less than excellence from himself in every area of life.

With Nationally Known Speakers, First Class Amenities, and more, the Warrior Conference is the premier event for Men in New England who want to know more of what God has placed inside of them.



"I learned about the Warriors Conference from the friendships I formed at Riverbank church in the Celebrate Recovery group. The Riverbank men welcomed us and encouraged us men from First Baptist church that we are not alone. The conference taught us that we are deeply loved, highly favored, greatly blessed, totally righteous and destined to reign by God.

The last session gave us 4 definitions of a man of God; we have spiritual responsibility to our family (Pastor them), we are to Provide for them, we are to Protect them, and to love them (Pursue them)."  Rodney Jenness

"Wow, what a wonderful time of worship and hearing  Gods word.

 The opportunity to be around 800 men in New England  seeking

the Lord was cool. I would encourage other men to attend the Warrior Conference

if given the chance." Chris Clark